NET-GE statistics
Human interactome: STRING (release 10). STRING0.9 is a version of STRING obtained by retaining only the links with a STRING score >=0.9
Databases for annotating features:
Gene Ontology (Molecular Function, Biological Process, Cellular Component, as retrieved from the UniProt-GOA human 145 web resource).
KEGG PATHWAY Database (release 77.0).
REACTOME PATHWAY Database (release 53).
NET-GE statistics
Standard Enrichment | | | | | | |
| Terms | 12783 | 4076 | 1461 | 340 | 1731 |
| Genes | 18626 | 18254 | 19150 | 6972 | 8093 |
Network-based (STRING) | | | | | | |
| Genes | 17390 | 17499 | 16523 | 9769 | 10103 |
Network-based (STRING0.9) | | | | | | |
| Genes | 17958 | 17282 | 18854 | 7833 | 8708 |
Updating of the system, including human interactome, and annotation databases is planned once a year, following the major releases.